Sunday, 10 May 2015

Where does the time go?

something about warmer weather and lighter evenings, I always seem to run out of time. Sorry I have not been around.
On Friday I had my three year old grandson for the day so he took all my attention. By the time he had gone home and I had sorted dinner I was shattered.
Then yesterday was the preparation for my eldest daughter and sil arriving. Lots to talk about so again didn't get on here. Have just cleared up the roast dinner I did for us all and settled to watch the taped highlights of the grand prix. So thought I would catch up on here.
I had intended sorting out more photos but that will have to wait.
This morning whilst younger daughter and co were out we went to their house and put up a big trampoline eldest had bought her nephew. It took four of us two hours to do! A great hit though and a lovely surprise.
Sil is going to cut the grass at the back that is very long tomorrow. It will be such a help. It is going to make a big difference to us to have so much help.
I feel very fortunate to be having my family with me.
So once again life is changing. By the end of July all should be sorted.
Once daughter goes we start the season proper with back to back bookings until the middle of October. It is amazing. I enjoy meeting new people and having the place come alive. It also gives us money to further improve our property. We have always had a vision of how this place will be and are well on track to achieve that.


  1. It's all coming together for you now.....enjoy your time with your daughter, won't be long until they're over for good.

  2. I have always thought that meeting new people must be the very best aspect of running any sort of accommodation.
