Saturday, 23 May 2015

Daffy ducks

so the ducks have discovered the field beyond our garden. They have spent most of today going between the two. The field has a herd of heifers but the ducks paid no attention to them. The cows ignored the ducks so all was ok. I think the geese were bullying again which made the ducks flap. I have no doubt they accidentally flew into the field and once there discovered lots of yummy stuff. I think this will now be a daily thing but as long as they come back at bedtime I am happy to let them have the freedom. They stay close to home which is good.
Had a tractor bucket of wood delivered today (2 steres) so now have loads for my oven. We have gone back to getting from our nearest neighbour as it is so much better quality. Benoit is a dairy farmer and as with all farmers around here he manages woodland. It is all properly seasoned and good chunks! It costs a bit more that what we had been buying but is so much better. We will have some delivered every couple of months to build up our store for winter. It is much easier to stack this amount each time too.
Today was another first.....I cut my hair! It was easier than expected and I am happy with the result. I had it cut short in a salon and layered. I am just cutting a bit off each layer. P checked it was even. So, €50 each 5 weeks saved. Well €40 really as it costs me €10 for the home colour!
With regard to the rat situation, things have calmed down. The two houses are raised off the floor and we put poison in the gaps in the walls. I feel very uncomfortable about this but understand we cannot have a rat infestation. I plan to cement the inside walls to stop any more getting in.
I cut the grass in the orchard too, at last. My new victoria plum has some fruit. Also my bramley apple that is just a stick has some little apples. I am very excited about this. In the veg patch two of my butternut squash seeds have germinated. I so hope I get some squash.
P has got on well framing out the downstairs of the barn that will be daughters house.
So, all is well here just now. I am off to get on with my blanket now.

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