Sunday, 28 June 2015

Turn your back and this is what happens

Yet again I have lost the battle of the weeds in the veg patch. It will take ages to regain control. Just went in to check my veg, which by some miracle is still growing, and found this in the courgette bed! It will be grated and given as a treat to the chickens, ducks and geese. Seems a waste but whilst we can cope with courgettes in stir fry or roasted veg neither of us likes marrow!
The new pond pump is ordered so I must get on and finish cleaning the pond. Having an evening off today as I created a blister on my finger that has burst hauling up the bucket. It was the string! P has given me a piece of rope for tomorrow.
I have made a good start on my dress, the first of four I plan to make. It is twenty years since I did any dressmaking and I am a bit rusty. I am having trouble with the tension but need more brain power to deal with it. It also took two attempts to put the zip in! It is taking shape though and I am pleased with it.
Was given a bucket of cherries today so made them into a runny jam that P loves with my homemade yogurt. Made it in the bread machine! Don't think I will try it again but it is too hot to light the Esse. I am trying to keep space in the freezer for the lamb that will come later in the year. I usually get given lots of fruit, somthe freezer is kept full.
Back to my crochet this evening as I really want to get this cover finished.


  1. I do admire your tenacity Aly. Not like marrow? Have you ever tried it cut into rings, seeded and then stuffed with stuffing made from minced good beef, sage and onions and plenty of seasonings - and then roasted in the oven? Delicious. You could use sausagemeat instead of beef if you have it to hand.

  2. Not for me! I am veggie and P can spot even a heavily disguised marrow! Gave some rings to the chickens this morning which they enjoyed!

  3. You might have made:
    Farmer’s marrow rum recipe
    Recipe Type: Liqueur
    Author: Fiona Nevile
    1 large ripe marrow with hard skin
    3-5 pounds of demerara sugar
    Activated wine yeast (Lindsey suggests bread yeast would do at a pinch)
    Juice of an orange
    Slice off stalk end of the marrow with a bread knife. Savng enough to use as a lid. Remove all pith and seeds.
    Pack the cavity with demerara sugar.
    Pour over previously activated yeast and the juice of an orange.
    Replace top of marrow, seal with sellotape.
    Hang marrow in a muslin bag, cut end uppermost in a warm place.
    After 3 wks marrow may show signs of leaking out. Either make a hole in bottom of marrow and run liquid into fermenting jar. fit airlock, let ferment out. You can if you wish add a few raisins to fermenting jar. syphon off and bottle.

  4. Interesting! Will leave another courgette and give itba try!
